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WCA to address skilled worker shortage at AWFS

Representatives of the Woodwork Career Alliance of North America (WCA) will tackle the woodworking industry’s skilled worker shortage from two different vantage points in conference sessions at the AWFS Fair, July 25-28, in Las Vegas.

Bruce Spitz, member of the WCA Board of Directors, and Scott Nelson, president of the WCA, will discuss how woodworking companies can establish an in-house training program or improve an existing one.

Greg Larson, vice president of the WCA Board, will explain the multiple benefits school woodworking programs and professional wood products companies can reap by becoming an EDUcation or MANufacturing member of the WCA.

“Building a Training Program for Your Workers,” is the title of Spitz’s and Nelson’s workshop scheduled for 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on July 25.

During the workshop, attendees will receive guidance for creating a first-year training template for new hires based on their production shop’s unique needs and incorporating the WCA Skill Standards.

Larson’s presentation, “Teaching and Evaluating the Wood Industry’s Skill Standards,” is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on July 27.

A long-time instructor of cabinetmaking at the postsecondary level, Larson will discuss how to implement the WCA’s credentialing system to create and manage a training program in a school or business.

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